Fondazione Pedrollo
The birth of our Foundation is closely tied to Pedrollo S.p.A.
Thanks to the experience gained over many years of charitable projects, in 2024 we decided to work even more actively and purposefully to uphold human dignity.
Humanitarian aid
Education and Training
Bricks of hope
You can make the difference
Help us with a donation
Not a single euro of the donations we receive is spent on promotional activities or structural costs.
Every amount donated is used to fund the projects we work on and to ensure that the communities we support grow alongside us.

Education in Tanzania
One of the many education-focused projects in Africa, where your valuable support is needed. Your donation is a meaningful gesture to us.
Water is more important
to us than milk
He shared that for a nomadic people, water represents the transformation into a settled community.
After water arrived, the village population could begin thinking about the future of their children. This led to a concrete idea: building a school for the entire surrounding area.
Water, the school, the future. The profound meaning is that a clean water source signifies social, economic, and human transformation.